1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 17, 2014 7:25 PM by csa

    Neo4J HibernateOGM and Wildfly on Errai


      Has anyone managed to setup a basic app which uses Neo4J as the server DS with the basic JPA-client also working?


      I would love to see it!!!


      I have had no luck setting one up and cannot get it working correctly. I have successfully setup on a non Java EE version using HibernateOGM and have successfully setup my own base Errai app. And have also tinkered with the errai-tutorial-master. BUt I cannot successfully drop in Neo4J.


      Wildfly requires a drop in module to use HibernateOGM.


      I am pretty sure the Container creates the embedded datastore it just wont inject it into errai on the server side?


      Before i go down the path of what I have done and haven't done and post any exceptions and setup. Would like to see any successful apps first if they exist and try to figure it out on my own?

        • 1. Re: Neo4J HibernateOGM and Wildfly on Errai

          Hi Daniel,


          It looks like you're forging new ground here, but since Errai integrates with CDI on the server, your problem boils down to integrating Neo4J in your Java EE app. There shouldn't not be any additional steps required for Errai.


          Is there a specific problem your currently fighting with?


