6 Replies Latest reply on Nov 20, 2014 11:34 AM by muhammad.aslam

    ApacheDs LDAP Jar problem in Camel Route


      Hello,I am facing problem in calling LDAP from camel route. I have created a web service which communicates with LDAP, I am using that web service in blueprint route file. If i run camel route by right clicking and selecting run as camel context without test it run fine and i am able to access web service from rest client. But when i deploy it to JBOSS FUSE using hot deployment it gives following error in starting bundle. Complete stack trace is as follow


      POM file is also attached.


        • 1. Re: ApacheDs LDAP Jar problem in Camel Route

          wrap apache LDAP dependency into karaf should solve the problem.


          On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Muhammad Aslam <do-not-reply@jboss.com>

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: ApacheDs LDAP Jar problem in Camel Route

            Hi, I am beginner in JBOSS FUSE can you please guide me or provide any link on how to wrap apache ldap dependency into karaf.

            • 3. Re: ApacheDs LDAP Jar problem in Camel Route

              Do you add any special Camel component or other Maven depdedency to your source code project, eg in the pom.xml file?


              In JBoss Fuse you would need to install those components as well, for example if you use a new Camel component such as camel-ldap then you need to install it with


              features:install camel-ldap


              Before you install your own application.

              • 4. Re: ApacheDs LDAP Jar problem in Camel Route








                this is the dependency i added in pom.xml. I am using apacheds ldap api to communicate with remote ldap server for authentication from java api.

                for more details this is what i see in jboss fuse web console under OSGI section my bundle


                Imported Packages




                The following optional imports were not satisfied:












                Exported Packages






                • 5. Re: ApacheDs LDAP Jar problem in Camel Route

                  You need to install an OSGi bundle that has that Apache LDAP api you use.


                  From the pom above it looks like its the api-all JAR that has it






                  You can try install it in JBoss Fuse using wrap as its not an OSGi bundle


                  osgi:install -s wrap:mvn:org.apache.directory.api/api-all/1.0.0-M25

                  • 6. Re: ApacheDs LDAP Jar problem in Camel Route

                    Thanks it worked, great relief for me after spending two days in this issue.