1. Re: Trying to monitor as7 but rhq 4.12 detects less MBeans than jconsole
lkrejci Nov 21, 2014 8:57 AM (in response to kristjan273)1 of 1 people found this helpfulThere is a dedicated Infinispan RHQ plugin managed by the Infinispan team, the code for which seems to be here: https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/tree/master/rhq-plugin. I am not sure if they distribute it in some downloadable form other than maven artifacts: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|org.infinispan|infinispan-rhq-plugin|7.0.2.Final|jar
There indeed doesn't seem to be much with regards to jgroups in our AS7 plugin. Notice though that we don't use JMX to gather the information from as7 but rather use the as7's management model to get that. Basically if you can get the information using $AS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh then we should be able to get it, too. If you find the info you need missing from the RHQ plugin, please file a bug at Log in to Red Hat Bugzilla. We'd also be delighted to accept a pull request from you at rhq-project/rhq · GitHub.
2. Re: Trying to monitor as7 but rhq 4.12 detects less MBeans than jconsole
kristjan273 Nov 21, 2014 9:31 AM (in response to lkrejci)Ok, important info here's that RHQ does not use JMX to communicate as7, was not aware of that till now. I will take a look into jmx plugin and how to enable it.
And also I need to check if jboss dmr returns desired stats.
Are there any concerns at using monitoring via JMX in production? Or it is just that as7 offers dmr as native api?
And thank you for fast reply !
3. Re: Trying to monitor as7 but rhq 4.12 detects less MBeans than jconsole
lkrejci Nov 21, 2014 6:17 PM (in response to kristjan273)I would say that DMR is the preferred way of accessing management data in AS7+ but at the same time I would not call JMX deprecated or something.
If you need any help with extending RHQ plugins, just shout