0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 5, 2015 10:51 AM by mobe

    Page fragment qualifier inheritance



      have been working with page fragments and parallel browsers a little bit and I encountered following situation that I was not able to solve well:

      I have:

      • different browser qualifiers @Browser1 and @Browser2
      • One page fragment MyPageFragment


      public class MyPageFragment {
           private WebDriver driver;


      In my test class I inject the page fragment like this


      public class MyTest {
           @FindBy(id = "login-box")      private MyPageFragment fragment;


      In my opinion, the qualifier annotation in MyPageFragment is somewhat redundant because I already specify the webdriver I want to use at the injection point of the page fragment itself. Yet, this qualifier annotation is currently required. Wouldn't it make sense to inherit the qualifier from the injection point in such cases? The page fragment would then become more reusable since I could use it with various qualifiers and not just one.