3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 29, 2014 12:58 AM by jaysensharma

    How to create a user in JBoss Admin console




      I have a special problem concerning creation of a user in JBoss admin console.

      My aim is to have an other user which can log in into JBoss console and can deploy *.war- Files but should not have the permission to create a new domain group.

      My problem is a very basic one: If I click the add button (see picture) than I can add a User (xyz below) and I can assign roles to the created user (Deployer and Monitor below) - but I don't know how to give the currently created user a password.


      Currently its nor clear for me how the process is done to create a new user.

      It would be fine if someone could help me with this very basic problem.


      Thanks a lot and all the best,


