1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 4, 2014 4:50 PM by wdfink

    Module dependencies in EAR


      I am reading the develop guide on https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.3/html/Development_Guide/index.html

      The article says

      "Subdeployment modules (the WAR and JAR deployments within the EAR) have an automatic dependency on the parent module. However they do not have automatic dependencies on each other." in section 3.1.5 Class Loading in Deployments.

      and says


      • WAR subdeployments have implicit dependencies on the parent module and any EJB JAR subdeployments.
      • EJB JAR subdeployments have implicit dependencies on the parent module and any other EJB JAR subdeployments.


      in section 3.7.1 Modules and Class Loading in Enterprise Archives.


      Aren't these description conflict with each other?

        • 1. Re: Module dependencies in EAR

          Not from what I see.

          A war file can access ear/ib and other ejb. but a war can not accessed from other ejb applications within the same war. This is according to the spec.

          Or did I missunderstand you?