3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 10, 2014 1:35 PM by generic1

    ERROR: Deploy of deployment "org.*.war" was rolled back with no failure message




      i have a problem with the deployment of a war which includes a cxf webservice, developed with Spring and Hibernate.

      I get the ERROR: Deploy of deployment "org.*.war" was rolled back with no failure message

      Does anyone know what to do in order to solve this issue?


      Thanks a lot!



        • 1. Re: ERROR: Deploy of deployment "org.*.war" was rolled back with no failure message

          Actually I don't know what to do, locally deployment (JBoss 7.1 in standalone mode) works fine with no errors, but productive deployment (EAP 6.2.0.GA in domain mode) produces the ERROR in the log file above.

          It is really a very small application developed with Spring Framework (4.0.2) (only Spring MVC is used) and cxf for developing a webservice client in order to access a webservice.

          It would be great if someone could give me a hint what to do - currently I really have no idea what to do.

          Thanks a lot !!!!


          • 2. Re: ERROR: Deploy of deployment "org.*.war" was rolled back with no failure message



            I have tried some things and I found out that my WebService- Client is the problem, I have a WebService- Client class annotatet with @WebService:


                                  serviceName = "RemoteUserStoreManagerService",
                                  portName = "RemoteUserStoreManagerServiceHttpsSoap12Endpoint",
                                  targetNamespace = "http://service.ws.um.carbon.wso2.org",
                                  wsdlLocation = "https://...:.../services/RemoteUserStoreManagerService?wsdl",
                                  endpointInterface = "org.wso2.carbon.um.ws.service.RemoteUserStoreManagerServicePortType")*/
            public class RemoteUserStoreManagerServiceHttpsSoap12EndpointImpl implements RemoteUserStoreManagerServicePortType {


            If I comment the @WebService- Annotation with /* ... */ (like above), everything works fine.

            Does anyone know what is the problem here or what can I do in order to fix this issue?

            Thanks a lot!!

            • 3. Re: ERROR: Deploy of deployment "org.*.war" was rolled back with no failure message

              Actually I dont know what to do, If someone would have any hint I would be very thankful.