1. Re: Switchyard EntityManager MixIn Contribution
kcbabo Dec 5, 2014 8:35 AM (in response to jingram)Contributions are always welcome. The best way to get this in would be to contribute the feature upstream in SwitchYard. You can begin by starting a thread in the SY forum with details on the feature and links to source/examples of what you would like to contribute:
Once there's agreement on the feature, you can file a JIRA and submit a pull request via GitHub. Additional details on the process can be found here (under "Contributing a Change"):
I know there are other community members out there interested in this functionality. You might want to have a look at the following enhancement that was contributed as part of SY 2.0 which potentially can be used to hook into Resource/JPA injection via Weld within the test framework:
2. Re: Switchyard EntityManager MixIn Contribution
jingram Dec 8, 2014 10:37 AM (in response to kcbabo)Hi Kieth
I followed your instructions and created a ticker in the forums, but nobody has picked it up.
https://developer.jboss.org/thread/250751 <https://developer.jboss.org/thread/250751>
Please could you assist in getting the ticket answered.