SyncServiceInvoker fault response changes http headers and changes soap version to use 1.1 default.
purplehaze007 Dec 9, 2014 8:54 AMHi,
I am having trouble trying to figure out something related to JBOSS ESB SyncServiceInvoker action. I have class which extends from SyncServiceInvoker and to provides custom fault-handling. For non-fault scenarios; the default functionality is used by calling "super.process". All seems to work perfectly for regular responses (non-fault response). The response message is received with the correct soap version and http headers (specifically referring to 'Content-Type' ) is received correctly. However for fault messages; the content-type is not returned and I'm finding it unable to 'SET' it in the header too. The soap version is also changed to default (i.e version 1.1); however i managed to get around this by calling " MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL); "
Reading around other posts and forums suggested that by adding the above; my content type should automatically be set correctly and received. However - that is not the case.
Have also tried some other stuff thanks to answers to other related posts but doesn't seem to help.
Version details : JBoss SOA Platform: Embedded Server - Version 5.3.1.GA
Seems there IS a bug related to fault handling in Jboss ESB ; but im not sure if its related to the problem i'm facing or if it's already resolved in 5.3.1 GA.
Any inputs/advice/help/tips ? Thanks a lot!
Bug ids: [JBESB-3796] Exception handling after SyncServiceInvoker fails - JBoss Issue Tracker
Below is snapshot of code:
public Message process(Message message) throws ActionProcessingException {
Call call = message.getHeader().getCall();
EPR fault = call.getFaultTo();
EPR replyTo = call.getReplyTo();
try {
return super.process(message);
} catch (ActionProcessingException e) {
return handleException(message, e, payloadProxy, printStackTrace);
* handle ESB exceptions and set it back as SOAP Faults
public static Message handleException(Message message, Throwable e, MessagePayloadProxy payloadProxy,
boolean printStackTrace) {
try {
MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL);
SOAPMessage responseMessage = messageFactory.createMessage();
responseMessage.getMimeHeaders().setHeader("Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"); //this doesn't seem to help. Checked in debug mode ; header is set on the object however actual response doesn't contain it.
responseMessage.setProperty("CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING", IMessageContent.ENCODING);
SOAPFault fault = responseMessage.getSOAPBody().addFault();
if (e.getCause() != null) {
addFaultDetails(e.getCause(), fault, printStackTrace);
} else {
addFaultDetails(e, fault, printStackTrace);
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
payloadProxy.setPayload(message, new String(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(), IMessageContent.CHARSET));
} catch (Exception exc) {
"Failed to handle fault on SOAP call", e);
return message;