1. Re: JMS messages between two standalone nodes
kcbabo Dec 5, 2014 8:41 AM (in response to angelo.rlcosta)I would investigate the options for shared messaging via HornetQ inside of EAP. You can configure HornetQ to be clustered independently or run EAP in domain mode, for example. If you don't want clustering and only want a single broker, then you could configure the connection factory on one instance to point to the broker on the other instance. If you run into issues, I would follow up in the EAP forum as this is really a question on how to use/configure HornetQ within EAP.
2. Re: JMS messages between two standalone nodes
angelo.rlcosta Dec 10, 2014 6:37 AM (in response to kcbabo)Hi Heith,
Thank you for your input. I have checked configuration and followed http://everything-jboss.blogspot.pt/2013/07/remote-jms-messaging-with-hornetq-on.html this tutorial section Local Server (Server 1) Side Setup but no luck until now.
Could you try provide a working example for example?
Please advice.
3. Re: JMS messages between two standalone nodes
kcbabo Dec 10, 2014 9:16 AM (in response to angelo.rlcosta)I think the first step here will be to get clustered messaging setup in your environment. Once you have that in place, configuring your FSW application to use a clustered setup will be easy. I don't have a clustered environment to share with you but I'm sure Red Hat support can help walk you through setting one up if you file a ticket.
4. Re: JMS messages between two standalone nodes
angelo.rlcosta Dec 12, 2014 5:25 AM (in response to kcbabo)Hi Keith, i got this working but not using the embedded hornetq server that comes with fuse service works.
I installed hornetq on another server and pointed both fsw nodes to that server.
5. Re: JMS messages between two standalone nodes
ravi21588 Feb 1, 2016 3:00 AM (in response to angelo.rlcosta)Hi Angelo/Keith,
I have a scenario where I have two fsw nodes in different boxes in standalone node.
I have a service exposed with JMS binding, an external application will place message in JMS queue. iam planning to use internal embeded queue.
Can you please tell me how can i acheive clustering ie., when external application place message in some clustered queue any of the application running in node1 or node 2 pick the message in round robin basis.