1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 3, 2005 12:16 PM by krishna505

    read only beans contention


      We have an issue with Entity beans that are being configured as read-only getting locked into transactions. We configured these entity beans as read only in the jboss.xml file, used "RequiresNew" transaction attribute for all methods in these beans and used commit option 'A' for these beans.

      But entity lock monitor in jmx-console still shows locking time and contention for some of these beans. We have no clue why those beans are still getting locked into container transactions.

      Any of you have this kind of issue? Can you please explain what I am missing here? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

        • 1. Re: read only beans contention

          I think I found root cause for my issue. Though the read-only beans do not get locked into transactions, invocation lock still exists. In other words, only one thread can access a bean instance at a time.

          But, does this still cause transaction dead-locks? If it does, what's the purpose of configuring read-only beans? Please correct me if I am wrong. Any of your suggestions are greatly appreciated.