2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 17, 2014 4:12 AM by dimarzio

    *.tld File Parsing durring deployment?


      Hi there,


      I'am trying to deploy an EAR-File with multiple *.war's inside. When I try to do it I get only PARSE Exceptions like this:


      org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException: JBAS017302: Failed to parse XML descriptor

      ...WEB-INF/lib/spring-modules-0.9-all.jar/META-INF/valang.tld\" at [13,23]


      What I don't understand is, why all jars will be scanned? You see this is a spring library, so it's not a good idea to patch spring libs Is it possible to deactivate *.tld scanning at deployment time? Does it really make sense to do it?