1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 16, 2005 2:41 PM by triathlon98

    use Hibernate onFlushDirty() in jboss


      I am pulling my hair out trying to find the Hibernate equivalent of onFlushDirty() in the ejb3 spec, as well as the JBoss's implementation of the ejb3.

      Basically, I want to know which fields are dirty when an entity bean is merged (updated) in database. From the ejb3 spec it seems the PreUpdate callback method is the perfect place for this. Unfortunately, the spec does not say (or may be I did not find) where to get the previous entity bean state. In Hibernate's onFlushDirty(), an entity bean's current state and previous state are passed in as function arguments. Can some one plese tell me where to find the equivalent? Or is it supported at all?

      Thanks in advance.
