2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 19, 2014 7:16 PM by slayercode2

    Get the headers and the properties values of a jms message in a camel route


      Hello, I have developed an application which creates a JMS message (ObjectMessage) and add to it a certain property named "servicename" and finally it sends this message to an activemq queue in switchyard project. All the incoming JMS messages in Switchyard pass by a camel route.xml. The issue that I want to filter these incoming message, in camel route, using the "servicename" property. However, I couldn't get the value of this property (by using in.header.servicename) or any other headers. In fact, the following route which suppose to return all the headers values, it only returns this message: {org.switchyard.messageId=ID-akram-48443-1419004935734-18-2, breadcrumbId=ID-akram-48443-1419004935734-18-2}.


      <routes xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">


              <from uri="switchyard://MiddleWareService" />

              <log message="${headers}" />




      Any Ideas? Thank you.