1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 30, 2017 10:24 AM by dode

    Can't drop durable subscriber


      JBoss EAP 6.2.2


      1. There is durable subscriber on a jms-topic:




          "outcome" => "success",

          "result" => [{

              "deliveringCount" => 0,

              "name" => "TestMDB",

              "consumers" => [{

                  "sessionID" => "6eb95eeb-87da-11e4-b3c3-5d37ed8b6bf9",

                  "connectionID" => "bf59df07-87f6-11e4-b3c3-5d37ed8b6bf9",

                  "browseOnly" => false,

                  "creationTime" => 1419045457203L,

                  "consumerID" => 0


              "clientID" => "TestMDB",

              "queueName" => "TestMDB.TestMDB",

              "messageCount" => 0,

              "durable" => true




      2. When I attempt to drop this durable subscriber, I get this error:




          "outcome" => "failed",

          "failure-description" => "HornetQException[errorType=ILLEGAL_STATE message=HQ119025: Cannot delete queue TestMDB.TestMDB on binding TestMDB.TestMDB - it has consumers = org.hornetq.core.postoffice.impl.LocalQueueBinding]",

          "rolled-back" => true



      3. I've dropped durable subscribers in the past without issue.



      Anyone have any clue?  I also couldn't find any documentation on this.


        • 1. Re: Can't drop durable subscriber

          Old question, but just in case someone else has the same issue like me...


          There is still a consumer active on that subscription, like an MDB or so - it has to be removed first so the list of consumers is empty:


          "consumers" => []


          Then it is possible to delete the subscription.