Minutes (text):
Meeting summary
Agenda (lincolnthree, 15:07:08)
Status reports (lincolnthree, 15:08:21)
Next steps & priorities (lincolnthree, 15:08:31)
GSoC (lincolnthree, 15:08:57)
Status reports (lincolnthree, 15:10:16)
James is still working on the website, so I haven't been able to do
much with the website over the past few weeks. Once he delivers new
implementations, I'll be able to bring them into our app.
(lincolnthree, 15:11:54)
I'm still doing general troubleshooting support for some Furnace
Test Harness issues, but mostly that's it. (lincolnthree, 15:12:23)
jbt 4.2.2.Final is being built atm or anytime soon (koentsje,
I had to bump the version number of the m2e plugin for this release,
not sure why it’s not inheriting from the parent pom (koentsje,
Vineet is now exploring CQRS and the tooling possibilities
(vineetreynolds, 15:20:53)
Next steps & priorities (lincolnthree, 15:26:23)
NetBeans plugin (lincolnthree, 15:26:52)
XPaaS / ForgeIDE support (lincolnthree, 15:27:02)
JBDS issues (if any) (lincolnthree, 15:27:09)
GSoC (lincolnthree, 15:27:59)
Forge Web Console (lincolnthree, 15:40:34)
Forge Command NLP (lincolnthree, 15:40:43)
Teaching & Tutorial Addon (lincolnthree, 15:40:57)
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."