4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 14, 2015 1:47 AM by narsi.chowdary

    creating the dynamic bpmn file


      Hi All,


      as part of my requirement i need to create bpmn file based on user process steps by dynamically by using java classes. i found RuleFlowProcessFactory API classes in goog, by using that i an able to create the bpmn file. but here my problem to create the bpmn file with human task and business rule task. for creating the Business rule task i have used ruleSetNode in RuleFlowProcessFactory class.


      as part of business rule task i need to specify some input and output variables, here i did't find any methods in class to pass the variables.


      please help any one having the idea.

        • 1. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file

          The factory doesn't have methods for IOmapping yet, but you could use on entry scripts to insert objects into the working memory directly instead.



          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file

            Thanks  Kris,


            if i am creating the BPMN file Manually then i can able to set the entry scripts to insert the object for RuleSetNode. but i a creating the BPMN file Dynamically. and also i have cross checked the API for RuleSetNode class don't have function to pass the Entry scripts.but HumanTaskNode having the same.


            please help me to supported API for this issue.













            • 3. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file

              At the beginning, RuleSetNode didn't support on-entry / exit scripts yet, it seems the fluent api wasn't updated when they were added.  Could you open a JIRA or Bugzilla for this?  Should be trivial to add, might be easy to even do a pull request



              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file

                ok thanks kris.. i will open the JIRA for this issue..