3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 3, 2015 6:00 PM by tkuther

    JMX: expose jboss.as mbeans to -javaagent clients


      I'm looking for a way to monitor metrics from jboss.as: mbeans. I failed to get "external" agents like jmxtrans or metrics-sampler working at all, following any guide I could find (mostly adding jboss-client.jar and using http-remoting-jmx protocol). And wildfly-monitor is not yet usable.


      I did manage to get jmxtrans-agent working, mostly. The only missing pieces are jboss.as: mbeans like datasource und undertow subsystem active session metrics etc.


      In JMX subsystem (domain mode) I have:


      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jmx:1.3">
              <remoting-connector use-management-endpoint="false"/>


      But jmxtrans-agent is unable to read any of the jboss exposed mbeans. Works fine in JConsole using http-remoting-jmx.

      Why is the -javaagent client unable to read those, and is there a way to fix this by configuration?


      Thanks for any pointers.

        • 1. Re: JMX: expose jboss.as mbeans to -javaagent clients

          I have exactly the same problem with WildFly 8.2.0.

          Have you managed to find a solution for getting "jboss.as" mbeans?

          • 2. Re: JMX: expose jboss.as mbeans to -javaagent clients

            I have the same problem, using the javaagent to bind the jmx server to a fixed port. This was working in AS6


            However the HornetQ MBeans of Wildfly are still shown when connecting remotely via jmx.

            Mabye it is possible to register the jboss.as MBeans programatically after my app deployment?

            • 3. Re: JMX: expose jboss.as mbeans to -javaagent clients

              @Dmitry: meanwhile yes, at least for production. We just had to spent some ten-thousands of €€€ for agents from a company that starts with App and ends on Dynamics. Unfortunately not with jmxtrans-agent or anything else open-source.


              @Henning: above said AD agent has a feature that re-reads the MBean tree after a configurable amount of time post-startup, when all subsystems and apps are up'n' running.