I was using JBoss 4 and now the company want to change to JBoss 7.
But, inside my ear, in the application.xml file, there´s this module:
In JBoss 4, when I start application Server, I put: -Dcontext.default=mycontext
But now, in JBoss 7, when I start with this line:
standalone.sh server-config=standalone-full.xml-Dcontext.default=/mycontext
The following error is reported:
caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: javax.faces.FacesException: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in path at index 20: jndi:/default-host/${context.default}/WEB-INF/application.xml
It seems that JBoss isn´t seeing my variable "context.default". Is there any way to make JBoss see my variable context.default in any files inside ear file?
Thanks in advance,