1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 23, 2015 1:36 AM by swiderski.maciej

    swimlane actor not propagating




      I am trying out the examples from the jbpm-examples project and I tried the model with the swimlanes.


      I was able to execute and complete the first task but the second task is lost.  the Process is still active in the process instance management perspective.


      According to this post the second task should automatically be assigned to the one who completed the first task.


      How do I properly assign an actor for a swimlane?



        • 1. Re: swimlane actor not propagating

          your second human task has no assignments (neither actors nor groups). Swimlane will be able to auto assign only if user from first task has access to the subsequent tasks on that lane - that means it must be one of potential owners of these tasks. So make sure you assign that user either directly (ac ActorId) or via group. For actorid you can specify multiple actors otherwise it will be assigned to it anyway. Actually best is to rely on group assignment and make sure that given user is member of that group.



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