0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 29, 2015 6:43 AM by valsaraj007

    How to migrate the Engine configuration of server.xml in old JBoss to WildFly




      I would like to know how to migrate the Engine configuration of server.xml in old JBoss to WildFly. Old configuration is given below:


      <Engine name="jboss.web" defaultHost="localhost">

               <!-- The JAAS based authentication and authorization realm implementation

               that is compatible with the jboss 3.2.x realm implementation.

               - certificatePrincipal : the class name of the

               org.jboss.security.auth.certs.CertificatePrincipal impl

               used for mapping X509[] cert chains to a Princpal.

               - allRolesMode : how to handle an auth-constraint with a role-name=*,

               one of strict, authOnly, strictAuthOnly

                 + strict = Use the strict servlet spec interpretation which requires

                 that the user have one of the web-app/security-role/role-name

                 + authOnly = Allow any authenticated user

                 + strictAuthOnly = Allow any authenticated user only if there are no




               <Realm className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.JBossSecurityMgrRealm" certificatePrincipal="org.jboss.security.auth.certs.SubjectDNMapping" allRolesMode="authOnly"/>


               <!-- A subclass of JBossSecurityMgrRealm that uses the authentication

               behavior of JBossSecurityMgrRealm, but overrides the authorization

               checks to use JACC permissions with the current java.security.Policy

               to determine authorized access.

               - allRolesMode : how to handle an auth-constraint with a role-name=*,

               one of strict, authOnly, strictAuthOnly

                 + strict = Use the strict servlet spec interpretation which requires

                 that the user have one of the web-app/security-role/role-name

                 + authOnly = Allow any authenticated user

                 + strictAuthOnly = Allow any authenticated user only if there are no


               <Realm className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.JaccAuthorizationRealm"






        <Host name="localhost" autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="false" deployXML="false" configClass="org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.config.JBossContextConfig">

