1. Re: JBoss BPM Suiteのセミナーやハンズオンはありますか?
kkomazaw Jan 16, 2015 1:48 AM (in response to red_makoto)はじめまして。レッドハットの駒澤と申します。
- JBoss BPM Suite install demo (clean BPM Suite install)
- JBoss BPM Suite Generic Loan demo (simple financial example)
- JBoss BPM Suite Mortgage demo (complex financial example)
- JBoss BPM Suite Rewards demo (HR employee award example)
- JBoss BPM Suite Customer Evaluation demo (rule STP migration example)
- JBoss Business Optimizer demo (planning / resource examples)
- jBPM with Spring
2. Re: JBoss BPM Suiteのセミナーやハンズオンはありますか?
red_makoto Jan 25, 2015 10:23 PM (in response to kkomazaw)駒澤様 回答ありがとうございます。
3. Re: JBoss BPM Suiteのセミナーやハンズオンはありますか?
emag Jan 26, 2015 6:59 AM (in response to red_makoto)1 of 1 people found this helpfulVirtual JBUG で以下が開催されるようです。
Hit the ground running with BPM — a starters kit
2/17 5PM UTC(2/18 2AM JST)とライブでの参加は厳しい時間帯ですが、
下記概要を読む限り、駒澤さんのリンク中の JBoss BPM Suite install demoを利用するのですかね。
Makoto さんの知りたいところとかはちょっとわかりませんが、参考までに!
Looking to design business processes but not sure how to get started?
If this is the first you’ve heard of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite, or you’re anxious to get started with your freshly downloaded JBoss BPM Suite, this webinar’s for you.
Have no fear, the JBoss BPM Suite starter kit will:
· Provide you with the details, help, and path to rules, events, and process freedom.
· Show you a quick and easy entry into the world of process design.
· Walk you through the contents, and what you can achieve, with the JBoss BPM Suite.
· Start you off with an easy installation.
· Use a pre-installed project and workshop to take you step-by-step through constructing the project from scratch.
Join us for a grand tour of the JBoss BPM Suite starter kit, and learn how you can hit the ground running as the BPM expert you always wanted to be.
4. Re: JBoss BPM Suiteのセミナーやハンズオンはありますか?
red_makoto Feb 4, 2015 9:48 AM (in response to emag)Yoshimasa Tanabe様 回答ありがとうございます。
Virtual JBUG で以下が開催されるようです。
Hit the ground running with BPM — a starters kit
2/17 5PM UTC(2/18 2AM JST)とライブでの参加は厳しい時間帯ですが、
下記概要を読む限り、駒澤さんのリンク中の JBoss BPM Suite install demoを利用するのですかね。
Makoto さんの知りたいところとかはちょっとわかりませんが、参考までに!
Looking to design business processes but not sure how to get started?
If this is the first you’ve heard of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite, or you’re anxious to get started with your freshly downloaded JBoss BPM Suite, this webinar’s for you.
Have no fear, the JBoss BPM Suite starter kit will:
· Provide you with the details, help, and path to rules, events, and process freedom.
· Show you a quick and easy entry into the world of process design.
· Walk you through the contents, and what you can achieve, with the JBoss BPM Suite.
· Start you off with an easy installation.
· Use a pre-installed project and workshop to take you step-by-step through constructing the project from scratch.
Join us for a grand tour of the JBoss BPM Suite starter kit, and learn how you can hit the ground running as the BPM expert you always wanted to be.
- JBoss BPM Suite install demo (clean BPM Suite install)
- JBoss BPM Suite Mortgage demo (complex financial example)
「JBoss BPM Suite」の「business-central」からブラウザベースで作るのをあきらめて
が、作ったサンプルを「JBoss BPM Suite」へ配備する方法がわからず模索中です。。。
単純に「JBoss BPM Suite」のgitにpushしてもプロジェクトの構成?定義が合わないようでコツがいるみたいです。