0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 11, 2015 1:14 AM by mani_mylavarapu

    How to install a plugin in maven



      I am trying to install a plugin in maven.So the end application is updating pom.xml something like














      Now i have written code for this


      Coordinate compiler =  CoordinateBuilder.create("br.com.ingenieux:jbake-maven-plugin");

      MavenPluginBuilder builder = MavenPluginBuilder.create().setCoordinate(compiler).addExecution(ExecutionBuilder.create().setPhase("default-generate").setPhase("generate-resources").addGoal("generate"));

      Plugin plugin = new MavenPluginAdapter(builder);


      But when i run this command the pom.xml is not updated.I know i have only constructed plugin object.Is there any way to install this just like how we use DependencyInstaller for installing dependecies.