Hey everyone,
i got a question about the TaskLifeCycleEventListener, which i wanted to use to refill a table with available tasks for the current logged in user. My aim is to update this table automatically after a task is available. After testing of all the methods provided by the interface i came to the conclusion that the "afterTaskAddedEvent(final TaskEvent arg0") method should be the right one. Everytime this method is called i get a taskevent containing the right task, but at the same time i retrieve a empty list, when i request a tasksummary list for potential owners. Is this a bug or did i misinterpret the method? If this method is called after a task is added, shouldn't it be possible to retrieve this task for potential owners?
Maybe you have some other ideas, if using TaskLifeCycleEventListener is not the right way . I'm running jbpm 6.2 snapshot in an osgi environment.
Thanks and Regards,
Sebastian Ganser