2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 17, 2015 4:25 AM by pathduck

    Enable management interface debug logs in 7.1.1?



      on debugging a authentication problem from Jboss AS7 management interface to LDAP, we need to enable some more logging on the management interface, but I am unable to find where I turn it on.


      I have tried the following in standalone.xml:


      <logger category="org.jboss.security">
                  <level name="DEBUG"/>
              <logger category="org.jboss.management">
                  <level name="DEBUG"/>



      But it seems the management interface does not obey these log settings? I remember reading somewhere that there is very little logging enabled in this interface.


      Also setting for instance -Djava.security.debug=all gives way too much data without actually helping giving me any clue what fails.


      Any pointers appreciated

