1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 24, 2015 6:39 PM by jmbarone

    Errai and AppEngine (GAE)


      Hi All, sorry if this is a question already answered. I would like to know if Errai messaging can be used in conjunction with GAE (AppEngine)? I know there have been some questions about this in the past, but I am not sure what the definitive answer is at the moment. If it is possible, are there any pointers or examples or tutorials showing how it can happen? Thanks for any answers. 

        • 1. Re: Errai and AppEngine (GAE)

          That's a good question ... what is the best cloud option to Errai?


          - GAE have some issues?

          - OpenShift seems to be a good option (RedHat, JBoss and Errai are related), but the simple gears (1GB RAM totally) are not enough to gwt compiler, so you need to do deploys from the binary war, that is not good :-)

          - AWS?


          So, i think the original question can be wider.