1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 25, 2015 7:49 AM by koen.aers

    Jboss Tools JPA validator bug


      Using @ElementCollection annotation causes false positive validation errors, such as "entity name is empty", "class not marked as embeddable" etc. Seems similar to this old bug: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-16016


      I'm attaching a simple Eclipse project that reproduces the errors. Same behaviour occurs on both Jboss Dev Studio 8.0.0.GA and Eclipse Luna with Hibernate Tools 4.0.0 installed.


      EDIT: Don't forget to set Hibernate (JPA 2.1) as provider in Project > Properties > JPA platform dropdown since errors does not come up with Generic platform.


      Message was edited by: ufuk yılmaz