1. Re: Errai spring-boot integration
csa Feb 26, 2015 2:42 PM (in response to maxsap)Hi Maximos,
Most Errai features focus on the client-side so you don't need a Java EE server, in fact you don't even need a Java server at all as you can host the statically generated JavaScript anywhere.
Errai Messaging and our CDI event bridge (which allows sending CDI events across the wire) are the main exceptions, and yes you then need CDI support on the server. Errai uses the default CDI extension mechanism, so you only need to figure out how to make CDI work on whatever server you're using. Here's some info on the Spring CDI integration project as part of DeltaSpike: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DeltaSpike/Spring+CDI+integration
2. Re: Errai spring-boot integration
maxsap Feb 26, 2015 4:16 PM (in response to csa)Hello Christian,
Thank you for the response, one last think, I've been looking for examples that show how to integrate errai with a spring backend, are there any community samples?