Errai-Bus and client side error handling
timeu Feb 28, 2015 9:47 AMI am using Errai-Bus 3.1.2.Final in a GWT applicaiton and I have troubles getting the client side error handling to work.
Here is the setup:
I am trying to send a Message to the backend:
Date date = new Date();
.errorsHandledBy(new ErrorCallback<Message>() {
public boolean error(Message o, Throwable throwable) {
return true;
On the backend I have a MessageCallback and for testing purposes I throw a custom SessionTimeOutException (which is in the -shared package that can be accessed by both the GWT client and backend):
public class Hearbeat implements MessageCallback {
public void callback(Message message) {
throw new SessionTimeOutException();
public class SessionTimeOutException extends RuntimeException {
I added this lien to the
However my custom ErrorCallback is never called. Instead my global uncaughtExceptionHandler is called with a JavascriptException (""Cannot read property 'stringValue_3_g$' of null"")
So there are two issues here:
1.) My custom ErrorCallback is not called
2.) My custom Exception does not get sent to the client.
I would be thankful for any advice.
The exception ""Cannot read property 'stringValue_3_g$' of null"" is due to the fact that I create an Exception without a message.
This seems to be a bug in the
This line will throw a null pointer exception when there is no message
After changing this to a non null message, instead of a JavascriptException a normal Exception is thrown
After moving the file to the client side package, my custom exception is properly sent to the client.