2. Re: jbpm6 and spring
chiri Mar 2, 2015 1:44 AM (in response to swiderski.maciej)Hi Maciej,
Thanks for this pointer.
Can I run jBPM process in embeded mode ; I mean i dont intend to use any container either app or web.
Also I need to use mysql for persisting process entities.
What all do i need to do for above scenarios.
3. Re: jbpm6 and spring
swiderski.maciej Mar 2, 2015 7:37 AM (in response to chiri)this is perfectly valid and supported use case - it can be configured same way as jBPM uses unit tests which runs completely without any container. Focus on the backend project from the link given in my previous answer. It configures jBPM with spring in sort of standalone mode, there is even unit test verifying that.
4. Re: jbpm6 and spring
wonglionghung Mar 4, 2015 10:24 PM (in response to swiderski.maciej)Hi Maciej,
Can the spring based application (spring-jbpm-app) be considered as used a service (vs.embedded)? If yes, is the Remote API (REST, JMS) available for another application?
Also, what is the session management strategy (singleton session, session per request, session per process instance) being used in the application? I can't find the configuration in the beans defined.
5. Re: jbpm6 and spring
swiderski.maciej Mar 5, 2015 2:18 AM (in response to wonglionghung)you can see that sample application as sort of execution server where each individual deployed kjar can have different settings - like you have in kie-workbench - so runtime strategy is selected on deploy time or via deployment descriptor that is included in kjar. So I would say this is embedded use of jBPM as as a service is what kie-workbench provides.
When it comes to REST/JMS there is no support out of the box in that sample app. You would need to add the remote capabilities on top of that.
6. Re: jbpm6 and spring
wonglionghung Mar 7, 2015 4:25 PM (in response to swiderski.maciej)Hi Maciej,
My understanding of embedded vs service/execution server/standalone: Embedded means that the components integrate nicely with an existing Spring application. In contrast to run as service/execution server/standalone system, an integration often requires web services for communication between the engine and the actual activity implementation – as opposed to plain old method calls in the case of embeddable engines.
With the spring-jbpm-app as example, I am looking at embedding process engine into my existing Spring application. And, expose the REST/JMS API provided with jbpm from Spring application or achieve it in another way (hence, it can be considered as execution server to allow another application to start processes and perform tasks remotely). Also, I'd like to allow the users to use the Process Modeler, Data Modeler, and Form Modeler to do the process authoring and deploy new processes without restarting my Spring application.
According to jBPM 6.2 user guide (see below), it seems to be possible. Can I achieve these by installing Process Modeler, Data Modeler, and Form Modeler, and configure the spring-jbpm-app pplication to use the same process repository? Can this be done by simply configure to use same database?
"And this is all is needed to build fully featured execution server with Spring and jBPM services. A complete Spring web application with this setup can be found here."
Source: http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v6.2/userguide/ch20.html#d0e19643
It is still unclear to me how the session management strategy (singleton session, session per request, session per process instance) can be configured in the spring-jbpm-app spring application. A pointer on how this can be configured is very much appreciated.
7. Re: jbpm6 and spring
beena.patil Feb 18, 2018 12:35 PM (in response to chiri)Hi
Do we have a video tutorial explaining the process of embedding jbpm in a spring boot application using same database as the spring application?