1 2 3 4 Previous Next 47 Replies Latest reply on Mar 10, 2015 2:43 PM by stavroskalamat Go to original post
      • 45. Re: Re: SQL script doesn't get pushed down to Aster Teradata data source



        The directions of the  URL below are totally correct. I was getting the "null pointer" error because I was mistyping the keystore password.  For those who get the same error but in different situation I attached Redhat's response in pdf.





        1. Can I utilize a TxtBased LoginModule and use the vault to encrypt its passwords stored in the teiid-security-users.properties file ?


        the vault works only for masking passwords in xml config files so I have to retreat to a solution that uses LoginModules (LDAP for instance) options as they laid out at https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/teiid84final/LoginModules


        2. This Q. IS weird.

        If I want to access a VDB from SQL Server Mngt Studio (instead of Squirrel SQL or db Visualizer or any other 3rd party JDBC SQL query tool) for SQL querying purposes, would it be safe to assume, the best and perhaps the only quick way to do so, will be via an ODBC/JDBC bridge ?


        picture this:  SQL Server Mngt Studio (instead of db Visualizer/Squirrel SQL) --> ODBC/JDBC Bridge  --> JBoss VDB


        There are some ODBC/JDBC drivers from easysoft and openlink as it's shown at



        I understand performance may not be in good shape but connectivity would still be there, correct ?

        Any thoughts or recommendations on the above Qs ?


        Thanks in advance,


        • 46. Re: SQL script doesn't get pushed down to Aster Teradata data source

          Access of JDV via SQL Server Mngt Studio didn't work out but it worked via Teradata Studio Express (TSE) which is also built on Eclipse. Here's how you can setup a TSE connection to a JDV's VDB w/o using the "Generic JDBC" option of TSE

          Thanks to Redhat tech. support and a lady engineer who tried the following that worked perfectly fine. All credit goes to her.

          The way to workaround the TSE Generic JDBC issue is to create an "Oracle" connection as a new connection profile, add a new driver, for which you need to select "Other Driver", and set all the correct driver classes and URL. That'll allow TSE to connect to a JBoss Data Virtualization virtual Database.


          The connection profile properties that worked out showed as follows for us:


          Drivers: Other Driver

          Database:  yourDBName

          URL: jdbc:teiid:yourDBName@mm://JBossDVServerIPAddress:31000;user=preferredUserName;password=preferredPassword

          user name: preferredUserName

          password: preferredPassword

          driver class can be specified manually as org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidDriver


          We hope this helps some one else out there.



          Stavros K.

          • 47. Re: SQL script doesn't get pushed down to Aster Teradata data source

            A way around the password encryption in the  TxtBased LoginModule is the following:


            Thanks to RedHat tech. support for this workaround.


            You can switch Teiid Security to the default Realm security, so that it would use the EAP Application User.  Edit your configuration file, standalone.xml to change the Teiid Security domain to:


            <security-domain name="teiid-security" cache-type="default">


            <login-module code="RealmDirect" flag="sufficient">

                                        <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>





            Then run the add-user.sh(bat) to create an Application user, it's password is obfuscated in the application-users.properties


            FYI, Data Virtualization version 6.1 (in Beta since mid Dec. 2014) has this solution implemented by default, instead of the cleartext files.



            Stavros K.

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