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1. Re: How can I resolve a class cast exception when opening the persistence.xml editor
akazakov Mar 12, 2015 9:14 PM (in response to brlombar)I also just installed JBoss Tolls version 4.4.2.Final form the eclipse marketplace.
You mean 4.2.2.Final, right?
2. Re: How can I resolve a class cast exception when opening the persistence.xml editor
dgolovin Mar 13, 2015 12:34 AM (in response to brlombar)Could you also attach or post full stacktrace for exception? We could try to fix it and put into coming service release.
3. Re: How can I resolve a class cast exception when opening the persistence.xml editor
koen.aers Mar 13, 2015 2:52 AM (in response to brlombar)Hey Bruce,
It is important that you, just like what Denis suggests, attach the stack trace. But it would also be good to attach a minimal project that can be used to reproduce the issue and/or a description of the actions and the conditions that are needed to reproduce it. I have tried to reproduce this with a vanilla JPA 2.1 project without success.