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1. Re: Intermittent fail of some datasource tests on IBM JDK after attempt to load mysql driver for h2 datasource
jesper.pedersen Jan 5, 2015 2:00 PM (in response to takis)Nah, we won't add work-arounds for specific Java implementations / drivers / whatever...
The correct solution is to baseline against DriverManager.deregisterDriver(Driver) once IronJacamar mandates JDK8. This will happen in the IronJacamar 2.x series.
Until that happens you will have to assume that the driver is installed within the JVM where it was registered -- both false and SQLException are valid from Driver.acceptUrl().
Also, don't use pastebin's that aren't public available.
2. Re: Intermittent fail of some datasource tests on IBM JDK after attempt to load mysql driver for h2 datasource
takis Mar 16, 2015 7:29 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)How about a more general approach : Getting the LocalManagedConnection after reloading the driver when the first try fails, works for every jdk (IBM JDK 1.6 as well).