1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 17, 2015 6:50 AM by jfclere

    Polling mod_cluster load metrics




      I'm using JBoss AS 7.1.1 and mod_cluster version 1.2.  I'm trying to get access to the individual load metric values before they are aggregated (AS side).  I'd like to be able to grab each of the individual metrics mod_cluster provides, like the BusyConnectorsLoadMetric so that I can graph their values over time.  I saw this post Exposing load metrics via JMX, but when trying to deploy the mod_cluster.sar I ran into issues regarding the use of the <annotation> elements in mod_cluster-jboss-beans.xml, as they are no longer supported in JBoss 7.


      So my questions are:


      1.) Is there anyway to poll the individual (AS side) mod_cluster metrics via JMX or Jboss CLI before they are aggregated?

      2.) Is there a straight forward way to poll the aggregated load metric value (httpd side), besides grepping the mod_cluster status page?



        • 1. Re: Polling mod_cluster load metrics

          1) no


          2) you can use the cli  :read-proxies-info to read httpd mod_cluster information


          [standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :read-proxies-info


              "outcome" => "success",

              "result" => [


                  "Node: [1],Name: 4e6189af-0502-3305-8ff3-fad7fee8b516,Balancer: mycluster,LBGroup: ,Host:,Port: 8009,Type: ajp,Flushpackets: Off,Flushwait: 10,Ping: 10,Smax: 26,Ttl: 60,Elected: 0,Read: 0,Transfered: 0,Connected: 0,Load: 100


