2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2015 8:55 AM by hushen.savani

    Deploy JBoss Fuse Project


      I am a beginner with JBoss Fuse. I have create one fuse project using Jboss developer studio with Apache Camel spring context.. Currently I am running my project in local machine in internal Jboss-eap integrated with Jboss developer studio. Now I am willing to deploy my project in external application server or container. I have some doubts, they are as following,


      1) What should i use : fabric8 or osgi?

      2) What are the dependency need to add in pom.xml for deployment?

      3) I have jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379 , as per my understanding it is container. For deploy my project in server should i required any application server like jboss-eap?

      4) As i am using maven for dependency, do I need to copy my maven local repository to server?



        • 1. Re: Deploy JBoss Fuse Project

          Jboss fuse ESB provides Jettty server to expose any kind of web-service, First of all if you use Camel blueprint specification then you should add blueprint specific  dependencies or if you use Camel - spring DSL then you should use camel spring dependencies.


          . Build OSGI bundle using apache flexi plugin in POM.  you can take OSGI bundle and deploy directly in remote ESB. If you are using any external jar's for dev. you should wrap them into container or you can use features xml config deployment to do so.

          • 2. Re: Deploy JBoss Fuse Project

            Thanks for your answer bharadwaj.


            I did my deployment in my local jboss fuse. I follow below steps :


            • After add dependency for fabrix , add profile into my local jboss fuse using fabric8:deploy command
            • Then create new child container in Management console, and add my profile into it...  It working fine.

            now how to add my this profile into remote server? In my case i didn't create OSGi bundle.

            Should i need to create OSGi bundle : osgi:install -s mvn:com.elitecoe/xyz/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

            And if yes then after create OSGi bundle how to deploy it into server location?