0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 7, 2006 2:05 PM by dwalters

    CMP Not returning any results


      Hello All

      I am still in the learning phase of jboss so please bear with me. I have a very small application. My database is postgres 8.0 and my ide is Netbeans 5. I realize that netbeans does not do a lot of jboss specific things (such as a jbosscmp-jdbc.xml). I have read the jboss documentation and added all of the things I think should be added (*ds.xml etc..) When I deploy the ear file, I get no errors. Also when I run the client I get no errors and I have outputted the query to be executed. I get no results, I know data is in the database and I get no results. Even when I try the ide cmp fields i get no results. can any one please provide an idea, some documentation, anything to get me started on solving this problem. Thanks in advance