1. Re: Update results in disaster - IDE becomes usless
dgolovin Apr 7, 2015 1:31 PM (in response to magick93)Anton,
What version of JBDS you had before update?
What is your Linux distro?
Could you also attach another part of the log from .bak_0.log?
2. Re: Update results in disaster - IDE becomes usless
dgolovin Apr 7, 2015 1:38 PM (in response to magick93)Do you have JBoss Developer Studio product or you have installed JBoss Developer Studio BYOE feature?
3. Re: Update results in disaster - IDE becomes usless
mickael_istria Apr 7, 2015 1:41 PM (in response to magick93)That's an unfortunate behaviour. We do test some update scenarios before releasing, and we didn't face this issue and AFAIK, you're the first one to report that behavior, so it's not easy to explain it. Please open a Jira ( https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS ) describing your issue and gathering as much information as possible: What is your OS, window system, java version...? Which version of JBoss Developer Studio was installed and which one did you update to? Also, does the log file in workspace/.metadata/.log shows something useful. You can also attach the list of features installed (listing directory studio/features).
The only potential workaround I have in mind would be that you use the -clean flag. With a command-line, go into the studio/ folder under the location where you installed JBoss Developer Studio, and try "jbdevstudio -clean", This is a safe operation that will hopefully cleanup a few internal files, the only drawback may be that your IDE may take more time to start. HTH
4. Re: Update results in disaster - IDE becomes usless
dgolovin Apr 7, 2015 3:10 PM (in response to magick93)What I see from log hibernate console version is 4.0.0.Final-v20141016-1911-B82 which was released as part of JBDS 8.0.0.Final.
So you possibly did one of the following:
1. update from development version 8.0.0.Beta or 8.0.0.CR to 8.0.0.Final, which should just work and tested by QA;
2. update from previous stable JBDS 7.1 Kepler based release to 8.0.0.Final Luna based release, which is not supported, because eclipse doesn't support update between major versions.
5. Re: Update results in disaster - IDE becomes usless
maxandersen Apr 9, 2015 7:18 AM (in response to dgolovin)If you have not added any updatesites yourself this is definitely surprising and not something we've seen before.
Looking at the logs it states it cannot resolve org.eclipse.jpt.common.core.
Could you try running with -clean on command line so it will do a full resolution to try solve this issue.
6. Re: Update results in disaster - IDE becomes usless
magick93 Apr 28, 2015 8:32 AM (in response to maxandersen)Hi guys
sorry, but I could not spend time looking into this. I had to just reinstall and get back to work.
Thanks for your help.