1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 9, 2015 7:18 PM by fnorman

    Using kie-wb, I am getting a build failure - cannot find kbase.


      I am using kie-wb and kie-server 6.2.0.Final on Wildfly 8.1.0.Final.


      I create an org unit, repository, project.


      I register a Kie Server.


      Then, I try to Build & Deploy the project, and I get a build failure - cannot find kbase.


      How do I create the link between project and kbase?


      What name needs to match?  What needs to point where?  What document explains how to do this?


      org unit:  xyzorgunit

      repository:   xyzrepository

      project:  xyzproject


      Project contains a package:




      The project contains a DRL that I want to execute.


      Project Kie info points to:





      In the Kie Server:


      Kie Server name is:  xyzKieServer

      Kie Server container is:  xyzKieContainer, containing com.xyzdomain:xyzproject:1.0.1 (GAV).


      Wildfly is running in Standalone-full mode.  It has the kie-wb.war and the kie-server.war.


      The error is that the xyzproject will not build & deploy.  The error in the server log is "Cannot find kbase, either it does not exist or there are multiple default kbases in kmodule.xml."


      The kmodule.xml in com.xyzdomain.xyzproject-1.0.1.jar contains the xyzKieBase kbase, which contains xyzKieSession.


      What are the missing/incorrect pieces?