0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 10, 2015 11:21 PM by gaoyonglu

    fuse is wiil Automatically for each route to create thread pool??


      I want to know fuse will automatically for each route to create thread pool ?

      I find  <threadPoolProfile id="defaulthread" defaultProfile="true" poolSize="3" maxQueueSize="100"/>

      the defaulte thread pool. if I don't write this in camel-context.xml, the fuse will create default thread for my router?


      If I write this:

      <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">

          <threadPoolProfile id="defaulthread" defaultProfile="true" poolSize="3" maxQueueSize="100"/>

          <endpoint uri="" id="callRealService"/>

          <route id="callstiroute">

              <from uri="cxf:bean:stiwebEndpoint?dataFormat=MESSAGE"/>

              <log message="get XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX call"/>

              <to ref="callRealService"/>

              <log message="get real webservice back"/>




      my router if will get thread pool