0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 13, 2015 10:44 AM by prashant.thakur

    Extending DefaultDataContainer


      We are trying to extend default data container with a wrapper so that Default DataContainer stores Binary array and a Wrapper class interacts with other interfaces as a Java Object itself.

      The configuration presently is for compatibility mode.

      This is done to optimize memory utilization and also use Indexes with Lucene by Infinispan when trying to store 240 million objects.

      As Lucene Indexes doesn't work with binary data we can't use the default container directly.


      Attaching Extended code for reference.

      For some reason the @Inject  annotation is not working and we are not able to initialize dependencies.

      The configuration change we did was as follows

          <data-container class="com.subex.spark.common.distributedcaching.data.ExtendedDataContainer"/>


      Do we require to do something else to enable this Data container or specifying as class name should be enough in configuration?

      Please let us know if further details are required.