1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 20, 2015 8:14 AM by swiderski.maciej

    Spring based application and kie-wb use the same database schema




      I am developing a web application by using jbpm services in spring based application as described in the URLs below. I am referring to  the example at mswiderski/spring-jbpm-app · GitHub






      Beside the spring based web application, I also plan to  install KIE Workbench (kie-wb-*.war) to allow the users to do process authoring, modeling form and etc. Both the kie-wb and spring based web application are using the same database schema. If I understand the following correctly, it is okay to share the same database schema. Am I right? Will this cause any problem when using quartz as I understand that two quartz applications can't share the same database schema?


      "As a side note, all these various framework applications built on top of jBPM services can simply work together without additional configuration just by configuring to be backed by the same data base. That means:


      • deployments performed on any of the application will be available to all applications automatically
      • all process instances and tasks can be seen and worked on via every application
      that provides us with truly cross framework integration with guarantee that they all work in the same way - consistency is the most important when dealing with BPM "

      Extracted from Accelerate your business: Cross framework services in jBPM 6.2



      -- Nick