1. Re: JBoss Tools publishing unit tests instead of classes
maxandersen Apr 20, 2015 7:27 AM (in response to hd0815)When we see these issues we normally see it if a user have run 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' which will for sure mess things up in WTP land.
Can you confirm you have *not* used mvn eclipse:eclipse ?
If you can please provide some steps for us to reproduce the issue.
if you have used mvn eclipse:eclipse then please delete the .project and .classpath files and use Import Maven project instead please.
2. Re: JBoss Tools publishing unit tests instead of classes
hd0815 Apr 21, 2015 4:02 AM (in response to maxandersen)Hello Max,
thanks for your reply.
I can confirm that I haven't used mvn eclipse:eclipse, I imported the projects using "Import existing Maven projects".
I think I can't describe any way to reproduce this problem because those projects worked fine for me two weeks ago. I haven't changed anything project specific in the projects in those two weeks what might explain those problems.
I also found out, that in the server tab where my WildFly configuration is listed, the problematic project b isn't shown as a dependent project to the war file of project a, but nevertheless it's published. I deleted the server configuration and recreated it, but still project b isn't shown as dependent project to project a.
Is there a possibility to reset/delete any saved data by JBoss Tools if existent? Maybe then the plugin can search for the correct deployments again?
3. Re: JBoss Tools publishing unit tests instead of classes
rob.stryker Apr 21, 2015 12:38 PM (in response to hd0815)> I also found out, that in the server tab where my WildFly configuration is listed, the problematic project b isn't shown as a dependent project to the war file of project a, but nevertheless it's published. I deleted the server configuration and recreated it, but still project b isn't shown as dependent project to project a
Can you show me a screenshot of that? It's not clear exactly what you mean.
If one project isn't being shown as a child project of the other, this usually indicates some type of configuration error in the projects. Almost always, really. Would it be possible for you to send a stub of your workspace / projects, with 99% of source code removed? The things we're looking for are project structure, .settings folder of your two projects, the manifests, pom, etc. This can help us investigate and see if anything is clearly wrong and needs fixing.
4. Re: JBoss Tools publishing unit tests instead of classes
hd0815 Apr 22, 2015 4:38 AM (in response to rob.stryker)