3 Replies Latest reply on May 4, 2015 7:53 AM by rvansa

    Distributed mode clustered-cache-quickstart


      Hello everyone I am new to Infinispan and I have some questions in regards to distributed mode and quickstarts provided in infinispan/infinispan-quickstart · GitHub in particular clustered-cache-quickstart.


      First of all, as far as I understand distributed mode allows to have defined number of entry copies rather than replicated mode, which replicates entries within all nodes. For example, if we had 3 entries (1, 2, 3) and 3 caches (A, B, C) where numOwners(2) the resulting view of cluster in distributed mode might result as:

      A containing 1,2

      B containing 2,3

      C containing 3,1

      Where replicated mode cluster would result in:

      A,B and C containing 1,2,3

      Please correct me if my assumption is wrong.


      What is more, then I run infinispan-quickstart/clustered-cache at master · infinispan/infinispan-quickstart · GitHub this quickstart using these instructions

      • To try with a distributed cache, run the following command in separated terminals:
        • mvn compile exec:java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dexec.mainClass="org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.Node" -Dexec.args="-d A"
        • mvn compile exec:java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dexec.mainClass="org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.Node" -Dexec.args="-d B"
        • mvn compile exec:java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dexec.mainClass="org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.Node" -Dexec.args="-d C"


      All my nodes result in having the same entries (I limited entry number to 10) :


      Cache contents on node A-29339

              key-0 = A-29339-0

              key-1 = A-29339-1

              key-2 = A-29339-2

              key-3 = A-29339-3

              key-4 = A-29339-4

              key-5 = A-29339-5

              key-6 = A-29339-6

              key-7 = A-29339-7

              key-8 = A-29339-8

              key-9 = A-29339-9


      Cache contents on node B-36604

              key-0 = A-29339-0

              key-1 = A-29339-1

              key-2 = A-29339-2

              key-3 = A-29339-3

              key-4 = A-29339-4

              key-5 = A-29339-5

              key-6 = A-29339-6

              key-7 = A-29339-7

              key-8 = A-29339-8

              key-9 = A-29339-9


      Cache contents on node C-26839

              key-0 = A-29339-0

              key-1 = A-29339-1

              key-2 = A-29339-2

              key-3 = A-29339-3

              key-4 = A-29339-4

              key-5 = A-29339-5

              key-6 = A-29339-6

              key-7 = A-29339-7

              key-8 = A-29339-8

              key-9 = A-29339-9


      However, in the documentation Getting Started with Infinispan it said that: You can also see that each node holds a different set of entries by pressing Enter.

      Nevertheless, my output shows that all entries are basically replicated as would be done in replicated mode.

      Any ideas why this is happening like this?