5 Replies Latest reply on Jul 25, 2006 7:14 AM by azhurakousky

    How to configure batch/fetch size



      Recently I wrote a simple application (EJB3.0), which reads all rows of one unrelated table.
      My problem is that I want to set batch (or fetch - i don't know which term is appropriate) size. As I look at the session trace in oracle 10g, i get, thath it is fetching the data in 10-row packs (73 rows, 8 fetches) . However, during the deployment, I get this message form JBoss:

      INFO [SettingsFactory] JDBC batch size: 15

      How can I change that size? It would be great if there is some way to change it for this specific app. I was trying to find out, if there's any way to do this by configuring the persistence.xml, but i couldn't find any docs about it.

        • 1. Re: How to configure batch/fetch size

          Yes you should do it in persistance.xml
          Try this:

           . . . . . . . .
           <property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" value="25"/>
           . . . . . . .
           . . . . . . . .


          Oleg Zhurakousky

          • 2. Re: How to configure batch/fetch size

            Well, I tried this, but it didn't work.
            Here's my persistence.xml

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence">
             <persistence-unit name="DBTestOne-ejb" transaction-type="JTA">
             <property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" value="25"/>

            The database logs show, that there are 73 rows in 8 fetches.

            Here's the code of the session bean thath queries the database:
            public class EJBTestSessionBean implements DBTest.EJBTestSessionRemote {
             EntityManager em;
             public EJBTestSessionBean() {}
            public Collection<EJBTestEntity> getEJBTestEntity(){
             Query query;
             query = em.createQuery("from EJBTestEntity t"); /
             return query.getResultList();

            • 3. Re: How to configure batch/fetch size

              Believe me, I hate to say it, but it does work for me here. . .
              Do you have any other EJB3 configuration deployed?

              Here is what I get:

              08:34:54,743 INFO [SettingsFactory] JDBC batch size: 19

              and here is my persistance.xml
              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
               <persistence-unit name="tempdb">
               <property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" value="19"/>

              • 4. Re: How to configure batch/fetch size

                Finally, I found a solution to this.

                The property to set in persistence.xml is "hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size".

                Thank You azhurakousky, You were very helpful to me :)

                • 5. Re: How to configure batch/fetch size

                  Ahh. . .
                  So it wasn't a "batch size", but a "fetch_size". Different property, but I am glad you found a way
