3 Replies Latest reply on May 27, 2015 4:56 AM by muthu.kumar

    Limitations in JBoss  EAP 6.1.1 (Jboss.org vs redhat)


      Hi All


      I have downloaded the JBoss EAP from Jboss.org and configured it for my customer. it works fine. But  when i tried to make the Jboss to run as service i could as  it does not have native libraries for Jboss.. When i raised in a same forum i got response that i need subscribe to redhat to get the native utilities..


      I now understood that the version from Jboss.org is community version and it has limitations and the one with Redhat is enterprise version and it should be purchased  to use..


      Please confirm if my understanding is correct ..   Also let me know what other limitations we have in JBoss EAP (Jboss.org) version..


      Thanks in advance..

