1. Re: Creating JUnit tests for BPM processes
rafachies Feb 21, 2015 11:48 AM (in response to crowdsurf)The BPM project you have imported from BPM Suite is a regular Maven project. With that mind, you just need to put the junit dependencies in your POM, and so start to develop your tests in a src/test/java folder. It should not affect your project if you update it in business-central, as the dependencies scope you are gonna put as "test".
In any case, what you can do is have a separated project for the unit tests, I mean, not a bpm project in business-central, but a regular Maven project in your regular GIT, SVN, etc. When doing your unit test, you just need to create a KieSession pointing it out to your bpm project in business-central, through its Maven repository.
It this clear for you?
2. Re: Creating JUnit tests for BPM processes
megamind May 14, 2015 9:18 PM (in response to rafachies)Hi,
I am stuck with setting up the BPM Suite Runtime for JBoss Developer Studio. I have not been able to locate the jboss-bpms-engine.zip.
Any suggestion ?
Thanks in advance.
3. Re: Creating JUnit tests for BPM processes
abhijithumbe May 14, 2015 9:26 PM (in response to megamind)Hi,
You can download all required jar files from http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbpm/files/jBPM%206/jbpm-6.2.0.Final/jbpm-6.2.0.Final-bin.zip/download
As mentioned by Rafael in previous comment, if you are working with maven project then you just need to specify required dependencies in pom,xml of project.
Hope it helps..
4. Re: Creating JUnit tests for BPM processes
megamind May 17, 2015 2:46 PM (in response to abhijithumbe)Thanks a lot for this. I am trying to set up my Unit tests from a separate maven project. I am trying to understand what "need to create a KieSession pointing it out to your bpm project in business-central" means... Is it setting the kjar ref in the pom file as well or just the junit dependencies?
5. Re: Creating JUnit tests for BPM processes
crowdsurf Jun 25, 2015 12:33 PM (in response to rafachies)Thanks Rafael. Your suggestion seems to be the solution for me to comprehensively test my project.