1 2 Previous Next 22 Replies Latest reply on May 21, 2015 2:42 AM by pankaj.singh Go to original post
      • 15. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

        You need to remove those import lines. They have always been invalid.

        • 16. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

          I tried to remove those import lines previously, it hit worse error and ear couldn't be deployed.

          • 17. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

            Did you try it with the new header I sent you and without the imports?


            If that still does not work then I want to see the new server.log (all of it)

            • 18. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

              i removed import lines and run again, below is error log:

              22:54:01,824 INFO  [org.jboss.as.clustering.infinispan] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 31) JBAS010280: Activating Infinispan subsystem.

              22:54:01,845 INFO  [org.jboss.as.security] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 44) JBAS013101: Activating Security Subsystem

              22:54:01,848 INFO  [org.jboss.as.webservices] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 48) JBAS015537: Activating WebServices Extension

              22:54:01,850 INFO  [org.jboss.as.osgi] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 39) JBAS011940: Activating OSGi Subsystem

              22:54:01,856 INFO  [org.jboss.as.security] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS013100: Current PicketBox version=4.0.7.Final

              22:54:01,885 INFO  [org.jboss.as.naming] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 38) JBAS011800: Activating Naming Subsystem

              22:54:01,952 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS010408: Starting JCA Subsystem (JBoss IronJacamar 1.0.9.Final)

              22:54:02,038 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector.subsystems.datasources] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 27) JBAS010403: Deploying JDBC-compliant driver class org.h2.Driver (version 1.3)

              22:54:02,058 INFO  [org.jboss.as.naming] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS011802: Starting Naming Service

              22:54:02,080 INFO  [org.jboss.ws.common.management.AbstractServerConfig] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBoss Web Services - Stack CXF Server 4.0.2.GA

              22:54:02,116 INFO  [org.jboss.as.mail.extension] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015400: Bound mail session [java:jboss/mail/Default]

              22:54:02,691 INFO  [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol] (MSC service thread 1-5) Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http--

              22:54:02,928 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment.scanner] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015012: Started FileSystemDeploymentService for directory C:\sun\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\deployments

              22:54:02,931 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment.scanner] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS015014: Re-attempting failed deployment adempiere.ear

              22:54:02,942 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment.scanner] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS015003: Found adempiere.ear in deployment directory. To trigger deployment create a file called adempiere.ear.dodeploy

              22:54:02,977 INFO  [org.jboss.as.remoting] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBAS017100: Listening on /

              22:54:02,985 INFO  [org.jboss.as.remoting] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS017100: Listening on /

              22:54:03,071 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector.subsystems.datasources] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS010400: Bound data source [java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS]

              22:54:03,097 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "adempiere.ear"

              22:54:30,556 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "mobile.war"

              22:54:30,556 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "adempiereRoot.jar"

              22:54:30,561 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "posterita.war"

              22:54:30,556 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "adempiereApps.war"

              22:54:30,560 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "webui.war"

              22:54:30,560 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "ADInterface-1.0.war"

              22:54:30,559 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "adempiereWebCM.war"

              22:54:30,559 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "adempiereRoot.war"

              22:54:30,560 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "adempiereWebStore.war"

              22:54:32,809 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry avalon-framework-4.1.5.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,811 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry commons-cli-1.0.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,813 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry jdom.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,815 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry junit.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,817 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry saxon-6.5.3.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,819 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry saxon8.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,822 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry servlet-2.2.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,824 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry xalan-2.5.2.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,827 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry xercesImpl-2.6.0.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,828 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry xml-apis.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/barcode4j.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,831 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry commons-beanutils.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,832 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry commons-collections.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,834 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry commons-digester.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,836 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry commons-logging.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:32,838 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) Class Path entry jakarta-oro.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/posterita.war/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:33,038 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) Class Path entry xml-apis.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/ADInterface-1.0.war/WEB-INF/lib/ant-1.5.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:33,040 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) Class Path entry xercesImpl.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/ADInterface-1.0.war/WEB-INF/lib/ant-1.5.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:33,041 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) Class Path entry optional.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/ADInterface-1.0.war/WEB-INF/lib/ant-1.5.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:33,043 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) Class Path entry xalan.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/ADInterface-1.0.war/WEB-INF/lib/ant-1.5.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:33,044 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) Class Path entry activation.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/ADInterface-1.0.war/WEB-INF/lib/mail-1.4.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:36,073 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) Class Path entry xbean.jar in "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/webui.war/WEB-INF/lib/js.jar"  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.

              22:54:36,100 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015893: Encountered invalid class name 'moduleName=groovy-all' for service type 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule'

              22:54:36,102 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015893: Encountered invalid class name 'moduleVersion=2.0.1' for service type 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule'

              22:54:36,103 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015893: Encountered invalid class name 'extensionClasses=org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.ScriptExtensions,org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.SqlGroovyMethods,org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.SwingGroovyMethods,org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.XmlGroovyMethods' for service type 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule'

              22:54:36,105 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015893: Encountered invalid class name 'staticExtensionClasses=org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.ScriptStaticExtensions' for service type 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule'

              22:54:36,155 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC service thread 1-6) MSC00001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.subunit."adempiere.ear"."webui.war".PARSE: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.subunit."adempiere.ear"."webui.war".PARSE: Failed to process phase PARSE of subdeployment "webui.war" of deployment "adempiere.ear"

                  at org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitPhaseService.start(DeploymentUnitPhaseService.java:119) [jboss-as-server-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final]

                  at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.startService(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1811) [jboss-msc-1.0.2.GA.jar:1.0.2.GA]

                  at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.run(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1746) [jboss-msc-1.0.2.GA.jar:1.0.2.GA]

                  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) [rt.jar:1.7.0_75]

                  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) [rt.jar:1.7.0_75]

                  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [rt.jar:1.7.0_75]

              Caused by: org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException: JBAS018014: Failed to parse XML descriptor "/C:/sun/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/adempiere.ear/webui.war/WEB-INF/tld/web/core.dsp.tld" at [358,24]

                  at org.jboss.as.web.deployment.TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.parseTLD(TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.java:128)

                  at org.jboss.as.web.deployment.TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.processTlds(TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.java:107)

                  at org.jboss.as.web.deployment.TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.processTlds(TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.java:109)

                  at org.jboss.as.web.deployment.TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.deploy(TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.java:93)

                  at org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitPhaseService.start(DeploymentUnitPhaseService.java:113) [jboss-as-server-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final]

                  ... 5 more


              22:54:36,234 INFO  [org.jboss.as] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS015951: Admin console listening on

              22:54:36,235 ERROR [org.jboss.as] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS015875: JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes" started (with errors) in 35715ms - Started 172 of 257 services (10 services failed or missing dependencies, 74 services are passive or on-demand)

              22:54:36,436 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS015870: Deploy of deployment "adempiere.ear" was rolled back with failure message {"JBAS014671: Failed services" => {"jboss.deployment.subunit.\"adempiere.ear\".\"webui.war\".PARSE" => "org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.subunit.\"adempiere.ear\".\"webui.war\".PARSE: Failed to process phase PARSE of subdeployment \"webui.war\" of deployment \"adempiere.ear\""}}

              22:54:38,651 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment adempiereRoot.jar in 2214ms

              22:54:38,687 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment adempiereRoot.war in 2250ms

              22:54:38,829 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment adempiereWebCM.war in 2392ms

              22:54:40,371 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment adempiereWebStore.war in 3934ms

              22:54:42,677 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment ADInterface-1.0.war in 6240ms

              22:54:42,716 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment adempiereApps.war in 6279ms

              22:54:43,576 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment mobile.war in 7139ms

              22:54:52,844 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment webui.war in 16407ms

              22:54:55,917 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment posterita.war in 19479ms

              22:54:55,959 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment adempiere.ear in 19522ms

              22:54:55,962 INFO  [org.jboss.as.controller] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS014774: Service status report

              JBAS014777:   Services which failed to start:      service jboss.deployment.subunit."adempiere.ear"."webui.war".PARSE: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.subunit."adempiere.ear"."webui.war".PARSE: Failed to process phase PARSE of subdeployment "webui.war" of deployment "adempiere.ear"


              22:54:55,967 ERROR [org.jboss.as.server.deployment.scanner] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) {"JBAS014653: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:" => {"Operation step-2" => {"JBAS014671: Failed services" => {"jboss.deployment.subunit.\"adempiere.ear\".\"webui.war\".PARSE" => "org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.subunit.\"adempiere.ear\".\"webui.war\".PARSE: Failed to process phase PARSE of subdeployment \"webui.war\" of deployment \"adempiere.ear\""}}}}

              • 19. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

                error occurs at line 358 in tld:



                    boolean isBrowser(java.lang.String)


                    Whether the current request is coming from the browser of the specified


                    @param type the type of the browser.

                   Allowed values include "robot", "ie", "ie6", "ie6-", "ie7", "ie8",
                   "ie7-", "gecko", "gecko2", "gecko3", "gecko2-",
                   "opara", "safari",
                line 358:   "mil", "hil", "mil-".<br/>
                   Note: "ie6-" means Internet Explorer 6 only; not Internet Explorer 7
                   or other.


                • 20. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

                  Yep. Remove the <br/>. Or change it to &lt;br/&gt;


                  It's an unexpected xml element.


                  Also note that I have corrected the taglib element in the xml I provided above.

                  • 21. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

                    I overlooked that br, now this tld error was gone. thanks.

                    • 22. Re: jboss as 7.0  deployment error: failed to parse ...tld

                      can u share file with me at pansin84@live.in

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