the error says that "switchyard-quickstart-parent" cannot find it's parent "switchyard-parent". Both are p5 version.
switchyard-quickstart-parent is available locally (distributed with switchyard quickstarts)
switchyard-parent is only in redhat repo.
Maybe you overlooked that the error refereces two different artifacts "switchyard-quickstart-parent" and "switchyard-parent"(which could not be found due to proxy settings).
Since adding the Proxy settings, I've had no problems since. In fact, I have to remember to disable when I return home from the customer location.
Yeah, proxies suck when one have a laptop.
One way to make this easier would be to add PAC support to eclipse (Bug 279471 – [Net] Can not understand proxy pac configuration) - contributions welcome
Then you could have a file locally that defines what you'll use for proxy settings either local or some remote server.
You've been so kind and helpful (as has Rastilav), I appreciate it. I've nearly concluded my Proof of Concept with JBoss AMQ (stand alone), JBoss Fuse and JBoss Fuse Service Works. I'm pretty impressed and will be recommending the software set to my client.
However, I've got one problem that nobody has responded to. Now, this is going to feature heavily in their review, as security is a major issue to them.
I don't suppose either of you can have a quick look at my AMQ issue (Java password encryption) ? I'm sorry to directly ask, but I have 3 days to get this answered or it 'could' scupper all the good work that I've been able to complete in three weeks.
Thanks and kind regards