2 Replies Latest reply on May 27, 2015 9:06 AM by pronchakov

    BusinessRule Task fires just at first time launch process




      I use BPM Suite 6.0.2.GA


      I'm getting through Getting Started Guide:

      Chapter 5. Hello World project

      Chapter 6. Hello World process

      Chapter 7. Hello World business rule


      I do exactly the same steps as described in Getting Started Guide.


      But when I run my business process I see:

      First time launch after build and deploy:

           I see in SystemOut "Hello World" from Script Task and "Hello World" from BusinessRule Task with firing a rule without conditions.

      Second, third and other launches after build and deploy:

           I see only "Hello World" from Script Task but not from BusinessRule Task.


      If I just rebuild and redeploy the module, I see exactly the same picture. First time launch - both outputs, second and others - just one from Script Task.


      I've tried to set a deeper log level for org.jbpm, org.drools, org.kie, but there we no problem reports.

      Here it is:

      10:33:31,051 DEBUG [org.jbpm.executor.impl.ExecutorRunnable] (pool-21-thread-1) Executor Thread org.jbpm.executor.impl.ExecutorRunnable@3d71d189 Waking Up!!!

      10:33:32,590 DEBUG [org.drools.persistence.TransactionSynchronizationContainer] () Adding sync org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService$SynchronizationImpl@7d101588 total syncs

      10:33:32,590 TRACE [org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService] ) Executing StartProcessCommand

      10:33:32,593 DEBUG [org.drools.persistence.TransactionSynchronizationContainer] () Adding sync org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService$SynchronizationImpl@5631cebc total syncs

      10:33:32,593 TRACE [org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService] ) Executing GetIdCommand

      10:33:32,594 DEBUG [org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.audit.ServicesAwareAuditEventBuilder] () Used original identity provider with user: bpms

      10:33:32,596 DEBUG [org.drools.persistence.TransactionSynchronizationContainer] () Adding sync org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService$SynchronizationImpl@130c53df total syncs

      10:33:32,596 TRACE [org.drools.persistence.SingleSessionCommandService] () Executing FireAllRulesCommand

      10:33:32,598 DEBUG [org.drools.persistence.TransactionSynchronizationContainer] () Adding sync org.jbpm.services.task.persistence.TaskTransactionInterceptor$TaskSynchronizationImpl@3b5e659c total syncs

      10:33:32,598 DEBUG [org.jbpm.services.task.persistence.JPATaskPersistenceContext] () TaskPersistenceManager configured with em org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl@32610337, isJTA true, pessimistic locking false

      10:33:32,600 DEBUG [org.drools.persistence.TransactionSynchronizationContainer] () Adding sync org.jbpm.services.task.persistence.TaskTransactionInterceptor$TaskSynchronizationImpl@2e14f491 total syncs

      10:33:32,600 DEBUG [org.jbpm.services.task.persistence.JPATaskPersistenceContext] () TaskPersistenceManager configured with em org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl@32610337, isJTA true, pessimistic locking false

      10:33:32,600 DEBUG [org.drools.persistence.TransactionSynchronizationContainer] () Adding sync org.jbpm.services.task.persistence.TaskTransactionInterceptor$TaskSynchronizationImpl@61c47339 total syncs

      10:33:32,600 DEBUG [org.jbpm.services.task.persistence.JPATaskPersistenceContext] () TaskPersistenceManager configured with em org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl@32610337, isJTA true, pessimistic locking false

      10:33:34,051 DEBUG [org.jbpm.executor.impl.ExecutorRunnable] (pool-21-thread-1) Executor Thread org.jbpm.executor.impl.ExecutorRunnable@3d71d189 Waking Up!!!


      The process completes successfully and I can see it in details page:

      Instance State Completed



      Instance Log  26/May/15 10:33:17: 3 - EndNode


      So it's not interrupting. It just passes BusinessRule Task somehow.

      What am I doing wrong?

      Or maybe in newer version (6.1) there is no such problems?


      Thank you.