1. Re: What Is Artificer ?
brmeyer Jun 12, 2015 11:43 AM (in response to dtognola)Hey Diego, here's some responses:
Artificer provides a modeling engine / framework
Sure, we provide the comprehensive data model, bindings/interfaces/protocols, etc. But there's a lot more to it. Artificer is a full-blown, out-of-the-box application, rather than simply a platform that needs work in order to be useful. Of course, it's heavily extensible and customizable, but it's useful from the beginning.
It is generic in the sense that it lets you create your own ontologies (meta models)
There are a few ontologies bundled with it
I think you mean data models (ie, XSD, WSDL, etc.). Data models provide all the artifact-specific metadata. Ontologies are simply hierarchical classifiers ("tags"). You can also create your own data models, properties, relationships, etc., either ad-hoc during runtime or through our ArtifactBuilder contract. Note that a new plugin architecture is on the roadmap...
User could create their own artefact types such as "Fruit" with own attributes "Colour" and "Taste"
Yep. Again, either ad-hoc at runtime, or up front using the ArtifactBuilder contract.
There are extensive client APIs to interact with the Artificer engine, allowing to manipulate metamodel and model instances
There is currently no GUI available that allows to manipulate metamodel and model instances
If for example I wanted to create a Enterprise Repository tool for a large company, I would have to create my own web front
Incorrect -- Artificer provides a powerful web UI. When the server is running, it's available at http://localhost:8080/artificer-ui
2. Re: What Is Artificer ?
dtognola Jun 22, 2015 2:43 AM (in response to brmeyer)Thank Brett. Yes, I did mean data model. Looks like I missed a few things in the WebUI, I'll have another play and raise questions more specifically if I get stuck. Cheers.